A Towering Presence is Gone.

My dad received his real estate license in 1967. He was 25 years old. He had just won his election for Davie County Commissioner the previous year. I grew up in the industry you might can say. Since I was able to walk, I remember my father as a real estate broker. It’s one of the reasons in 1991 when I was floundering for a career, I chose to go to real estate school. Once I was licensed, dad connected me with Kathi Wall, one of the top brokers in the local real estate arena. You might could say that this is when the umbilical cord was severed. But still, he was nearby as a counselor. One of greatest things I have done in my life was listen to him. I put my feet in the tracks he had laid. I was able to make a decent living for my family because of that trail he blazed. Later, when the real estate economy crashed, I was forced to recreate myself. I took off into uncharted waters, but dad was always on the shoreline rooting me on as I began my auction career. Blending my experience in real estate and the auction method was my way of exercising independence.
Over and over, I will always remember my dad asking me “have you got any auctions going on?” I would tell him of how busy we were, and he would beam with pride.
Death of someone close has taught me a lot. Its taught me to point to the source of inspiration of your life. The other thing it has taught me is the importance of pointing the way to a heavenly reward. All the lessons I learned from Dad was in the context of faith.
Dad was a luminary around those he touched. A giant among us has died. I hope he will be proud of the business we have grown, but more importantly, the faith we have in Jesus Christ.