What will 2020 look like? Here’s a start!

I remember the first auction I attended. It was a farm auction with equipment, tools, machinery and a strong voiced auctioneer and three or four bid-spotters. My goodness how things have changed.
Years later, the business is still filled with great auctioneers, but there is a vast difference if you follow the industry. What's the difference? The number of women that are leading the sales, internet auctions and benefits. This week, two of the Swicegood Group team ladies made their way to Bloomington, Indiana to Indiana University to sharpen their iron; and where iron sharpens iron you see the sparks of enlightenment that the National Auctioneers Association offers. CAI 2020 have a strong group of ladies who are taking this age-old industry into a new generation. For a week, CAI 2020 class, has been taught by some of the industry’s best. The program takes good auctioneers and makes them great!
As a graduate of the program, I can bear witness of the evolution of this three year program. Long hours, intense classes and fun times creates a bond among classmates that for me superseded the last day of class. It's 2018, and this is Elizabeth and Ashton's first year. I am looking forward to the transforming nature of the CAI program. The Swicegood Group, Inc. is proud that we have two ladies who are brokers and auctioneers. Because of this, our quivers are full of arrows that are prepared to hit the bullseye for our sellers by achieving their sold goal. They are bringing back to the market place new ideas, sharpened approaches and the energy that the founders of this intense program envisioned.
T. Kyle Swicegood, CAI
The Swicegood Group, an auctions and real estate company, was founded more than 30 years ago by Kyle Swicegood. We specialize in North Carolina auctions including real estate and personal property, such as farm equipment, livestock, antiques, precious metals and collectibles. We are proud of our reputation for ethical transparency.